A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

Stacy Frings Story

There is Always Room in Your Suitcase for This Great Cause!

We have travelled to the BVI’s for the 4th time this summer, but it was the first time I knew to Pack for a Purpose!  When we went in 2019 I brought a few kids books and supplies to give back to this wonderful place we create family memories, but this time I wanted to do more.  I started researching and found the Pack for a Purpose website.  I wasn’t sure exactly where to drop off the supplies since we were going at the peak of COVID for BVI.  Rebecca quickly reached back out to me and connected me with the appropriate contact at Scrub Island.  I packed supplies from the list provided and was able to drop them off with ease at the front desk at the Scrub Island Resort.  I did not even think to take a picture!  We have already booked another trip for 2022 and I will be sure my friends travelling with us help support this great cause! Thank you Rebecca and your crew for making this easy to support you!

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