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Sometimes PfaP is for The Birds

Many of our participants have loyal guests who return again and again and always Pack for a Purpose. The pandemic has severely limited travel and therefore, the amount of supplies being received being received by the community projects on our website. So it is with exceptional joy that we want to share the experience of our participant Rock Farm Guest House in Belize, as reported by Nikki Buxton, the Managing Director of Belize Bird Rescue.

Rock Farm Guest House is still not officially open to general guests – only to returning guests that understand our current circumstances of ‘low maintenance’. These particular returning guests, the Turner family from Texas, have not only become friends, but they also help considerably with Belize Bird Rescue’s fundraising.

They were coming to Belize for their bi-annual family trip and offered to transport needs list items in their checked bags. The family of four had a baggage allowance of two cases each and they used them to the maximum!

They pushed BBR’s needs list to their online friends and collected this large amount of supplies!

It was like watching Mary Poppins unpack her handbag.

And now for the rest of the story…

Just last week Maryann Turner repeated the trip using compensation vouchers she received from the airline for postponed return flights on their last trip! This time she had two bags of 67lbs and 69lbs. Three quarters of her bags contained donations for Belize Bird Rescue. Over 100lbs!

Nikki has already started using some of the supplies.

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