The Clock is Ticking and We’re TikToking
Pack for a Purpose is pleased to announce that the time has come for us to be on TikTok! We have already posted several videos on our new TikTok page, found at If you already have a TikTok account, we encourage you to follow our page, like, and watch our videos featuring homemade cookies baby elephants, and more! No, the elephants are not eating the cookies.
If you do not have a TikTok account, this could be the perfect opportunity to make one! We are hopeful that being on TikTok will help us make a Big Impact and spread Pack for a Purpose to more people.
When you take your next Pack for a Purpose trip, we hope you will make a TikTok video to share with us. Remember, it needs to be less than a minute, and it will take you less than a minute to follow us.
You will also find the videos on InstaReel if you do not have a TikTok account. Please take a second to help us spread the word on our newest social media!