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PfaP Travelers Provide a “Game-Changing” Experience for Youth in Tanzania

When in December of 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, our guests Carsten Altstadt & Matias Blasenbreu decided to come to Tanzania to go on safari, they brought more than just a pair of binoculars. They decided to raise funds to build a football pitch in the village of Ngabobo and provide the children of Pamoja Secondary School in Ngabobo with football jerseys, and (partly brand new) football shoes. In December of 2021, they returned to Tanzania for another safari, but this time they brought equipment and supplies weighing more than 120 kg.

One of the main goals at Sababu Safaris is not only to provide memorable safari experiences, but to do so while supporting and respecting the local environment, culture, and community. At Sababu Safaris, we have experienced first-hand the transformative power of travel and its ability to create lasting change in the world — especially when done in a more intentional and more meaningful way. We believe that, at its core, travel is an investment in new experiences, meaningful memories, shared connections, and personal growth as we meet new people, explore parts unknown, and gain a deeper appreciation of cultural diversity. In the end, traveling lets us live with more meaning and purpose so that we can make a lasting impact in the world – one trip at a time.

That is why we have partnered up with Pack for a Purpose. They provide an easy way for our guests to bring items on their visits that are needed in the local community and to make a difference, simply by using available space in their luggage.

During their stay in 2021, Carsten & Matias decided to continue their efforts and started an entire movement called “Kick for Life” – they are now raising funds to provide clean water to the community and help build a boarding house for girls at Pamoja Secondary School.

A simple act of bringing a few supplies in their suitcases turned into a wave of support in ways we would never have anticipated. They even organized a football camp teaching kids how to play football and ended their stay in Tanzania with a football tournament!

In general, it is a wonderful and unforgettable experience for all our guests who are bringing supplies because we make sure they get to deliver their donations in person and to witness the benefits from their support. At the same time, they get to know the local community and a feel for real life in Tanzania. But what Carsten & Matias did exceeded everyone’s expectations, and we hope that their initiative will continue to be successful and inspire many others to use their vacation as incentive to do good.

For many of our guests who ask if there is anything they can bring to the country, Pack for a Purpose is providing an option to get involved in a way that is truly needed!

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