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Our Partner, OC Not Just Tourists, Amazing Contribution to Ukraine



Pack for a Purpose is honored to work with and promote the fantastic mission of OC Not Just Tourists (NJT), which is run by retirees Tara and Carl.

Many PfaP travelers, because of this partnership, have been able to provide suitcases filled with requested medical supplies to local clinics listed on the PfaP website, making a Big Impact in local communities

When the war in Ukraine started, NJT felt compelled to donate as many supplies as possible to help. The problem was how to pay for the shipping. NJT does not accept financial donations and shipping supplies to Ukraine is very expensive.

Through Facebook, the organization found a Ukrainian shipping company that would ship the supplies to the East coast. Then, a Ukrainian church that would pay to send the supplies to Europe.

In mid-March, OC-NJT sent out 11 pallets (4000 pounds) of supplies to Europe. Half the supplies went to Poland to help the hospitals overwhelmed with refugees and the other half went to Ukraine to help people at the front lines. What was particularly rewarding was the number of Ukrainians that helped pack the supplies and load the truck.



Good deeds with positive results can be found everywhere. At Pack for a Purpose, we celebrate the success of our partners in making the world a better place.

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