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PfaP Needs Your Skills!

Pack for a Purpose is still an all-volunteer non-profit, and we need the talents of our wonderful supporters to help us out our best foot forward.

Some Former and Current Volunteers


PfaP is looking for someone to design a set of infographics for us the help us highlight our amazing accomplishments. We will of course provide all the metrics.



We are in search of a volunteer who will work on increasing our social media reach and who may have appropriate contacts with influencers. If these needs resonate with you or a friend, I am happy to compensate you with my personal undying gratitude and if you are ever in Raleigh, all the homemade hot out of the oven chocolate mint chip cookies you can eat!



We hope to hear from you and benefit from your expertise. : )Please email info@packforapurpose.org  with the project you would like to volunteer for and your contact details.

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