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PfaP is thrilled to have two amazing new interns from North Carolina State University this Spring. Their talents, energy and commitment will help us to continue to grow as a global nonprofit.

My name is Allison Potter, and I’m a senior at NC State University. I’m studying Media Communications and Spanish, and I have minors in Journalism and Global Leadership. I am from Richmond, Virginia where I work at a local ice cream shop where you will undoubtedly taste the best ice cream you’ve ever had. I’m involved with my sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma, and am an ambassador for various organizations on campus.

I have studied abroad in the Czech Republic, Germany and Austria last Spring where I earned my Global Leadership minor and completed an internship in Barcelona, Spain last summer. These experiences were incredibly impactful and revealed my desire for a global career. I love to travel, and hope to live and work abroad one day, especially in a Spanish-speaking country!

My work with a nonprofit in Barcelona was very insightful, and I came to appreciate the impact and importance of nonprofit organizations. I found Pack for a Purpose through the Communication department and was attracted to the idea of using my communications skills in an international context. During my time at Pack for a Purpose, I will focus on increasing our social media presence, especially on TikTok and Instagram Reels.

I’m also really excited to Pack for a Purpose on my Spring break trip to Cabo in March.  I’ll be posting a blog on my return and documenting my experience on social media! I love what this organization promotes and am so inspired by Rebecca’s work and leadership for PfaP over the years. I am excited about what I can learn from this global nonprofit and how I can use my skills to take Pack for a Purpose to new heights.

In my free time, I love to run. I’m currently training for the Cherry Blossom 10 miler this April in Washington DC, and ran my first Half Marathon last fall. I also love listening to music, especially to artists like Harry Styles, Ariana Grande, and BTS. My dream job is to be a music journalist or do something in the music industry. I’m very excited (and nervous) to see what’s next for me after my graduation in May.


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