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Princess Hotels & PfaP Travelers Positively Impact the Community in Punta Cana

Princess Hotels in Punta Cana are normally seen as places of relaxation and luxury, where guests can unwind and escape from their daily routines. However,  in Princess Resort , as part of our “Princess and You 360” program,  have also been taking steps to give back to the Dominican local communities and make a positive impact on the area. One such example is, once again, the recent collaboration between our hotels and the Pack For a Purpose program, where our guests and employees,  donated toys to a local public school.

Pack For a Purpose is a non-profit organization that encourages travelers to make a difference in the places they visit by packing small items that can make a big impact. These items are then delivered to local schools, clinics, and other organizations in need. The program has partnered with hundreds of hotels and resorts around the world, making it easy for travelers to give back while on vacation.

Our resorts in this collaboration, located in Punta Cana, decided to participate in the Pack For a Purpose program by collecting toys to donate to a nearby public school. The school was chosen because it serves a low-income community and often lacks the resources to provide its students with basic supplies, let alone toys.

The resort staff set up a collection box in the lobby and encouraged guests and other staff members, during Christmas, to bring in toys that would be appropriate for children of different ages.

Over the course of a few weeks, the collection box filled up with toys of all shapes and sizes. Guests contributed everything from dolls and action figures to board games and sports equipment. The resort staff also made sure to include educational toys and books that could help the students learn and grow.

It’s important to remember that the need for donations doesn’t end after the holiday season. Many organizations and communities continue to need support throughout the year, especially when it comes to basic necessities like school supplies, hygiene supplies, and basic medicine.

Remember that in Princess Hotels Dominican Republic we continue collecting these items throughout the year, and you can help us!

If you’re interested in donating, be sure to pack some of those gifts in your luggage when coming on vacation.

Remember, even small donations can make a big impact. Whether it’s a few extra school supplies or a pack of basic medicines, every little bit helps. So let’s continue to support our communities throughout the year and make a positive difference in the world.

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