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Susanne’s Story

After being often in Southern Africa, last year I had some space left in my luggage and went shopping for kid’s cloths and Shoes. Then when I arrived in Zimbabwe, I was looking with the Manager of the hotel for an opportunity and found it in an orphan home in the city  which I visited and handed over the gifts. That was a great experience and gave so much for both sides. Now, going to Botswana I planned better.

I was looking in the internet and found Pack for a Purpose. Kwando Safari (our champs operator) was a participant of Pack for a Purpose. The project they support is called Mummy’s Angels. I looked at what they needed locally and went shopping. My friends from Vienna did the same. When we arrived in Maun, we where happy to hand over a travel bag full of requested items that hopefully makes Moms and Kids happy. We will definitely do this with all our upcoming travels. We had fun going shopping and use the space left in our luggage and we hope that we make  others happy with these gifts who are not so fortuned in life as we are.

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