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PfaP Portrait

I am a rising Senior at North Carolina State University. I am currently pursuing a degree in Communication Media and am expected to graduate in Spring of ’24. I enjoy both drawing and painting, weightlifting, pickleball, and laying by a beach or pool with a good book. Pack for a Purpose was brought to my attention when a former intern and sorority sister, Allison Potter, advocated to our chapter about the importance of Meaningful Travel through Pack for a Purpose.

Several weeks into working for Pack for a Purpose, I left the United States and went on a six-week Study Abroad program in Prague, the Capital of the Czechia, more commonly known as the Czech Republic. It was only my 3rd time leaving the country and I was more than scared about what was to come. Within days, Prague felt like my new home and somewhere I could see myself living. The culture, the people, the history, and everything else immediately captivated me. My six weeks went by incredibly fast and before I knew it I was checking into my flight home, however, while I still had time left I made sure to soak up every moment and experience that I could. In my time studying abroad I was able to visit Cesky Krumlov, Czechia, Munich, Germany, Budapest, Hungary, and Copenhagen, Denmark, with Budapest being my favorite.

Unfortunately, I was unable to visit a destination that promoted Pack for a Purpose. However, one of my biggest takeaways from studying abroad was the importance of international perspective. Something I consider to be a priceless and lifelong experience. Since studying abroad, traveling to as many places as possible is now one of my biggest priorities, and something I will always strive to do.

Although my focus as an Intern is social media, I have gained valuable Business and Non-Profit experience during my time here at Pack for a Purpose. I have learned the ins and outs of the time and dedication it takes to support an organization as such. I have greatly enjoyed my experiences here at Pack for a Purpose and the worldwide knowledge I have gained from communicating and working with people and accommodations/tour guides around the world. I hope to further spread the word of Pack for a Purpose and have our mission reach more people every day.

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