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Sloan Fellows CoMIT to “Improve the World”

On May 20, 2012, 100 mid-career executives from 27 countries around the world — the 2012 class of MIT’s Sloan School of Management Sloan Fellows in Innovation and Global Leadership — arrived at the Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg, South Africa. This was the beginning of the capstone trip of our time at MIT:... Continue reading

Shawn’s Story

I stumbled onto the Pack for a Purpose website when my husband and I were preparing to travel to South Africa for a vacation in May 2011. Although we didn’t connect with a specific organization , Pack for Purpose gave me great ideas on what and how to pack. My husband and I took 4... Continue reading

100 Books, Innumerable Joy!

We’re delighted to share traveler Miki Parker Skeen’s story about her recent Pack for a Purpose contribution. Have you packed for a purpose recently? We’d love to hear your story! My family recently visited the beautiful Caribbean islands of Turks and Caicos. As a future teacher, I was most excited about an excursion to a... Continue reading

Children, Caring and Community

Our blog post this month comes from a wonderful traveler that we have recently been in touch with, Tara Cannon. I am a mother of two, passionate family traveler, and founder of Pint Size Pilot — a website dedicated to taking the fear out of travel with kids. When I read about Pack for a... Continue reading

Students Cruise, Learn and Pack for a Purpose

by Angela Leimer Every spring students from Purdue University Calumet have the option of signing up for the Hospitality and Tourism Management, Educational Study Cruise. While taking this course the students explore the cruise line industry with a focus on hospitality, leisure, history and marketing operations, while getting the chance to explore other countries. When... Continue reading

Tara’s Story

I was thrilled a while back to discover the type of charitable organization that I wanted to align my family and business with. Although my children are young, I found the methodology behind Pack for a Purpose something they could easily understand, especially since it involved supporting a community project and children. It also led... Continue reading

All the Way from Nepal

Not too long ago, we asked for post ideas from our wonderful partners and lodgings. This one, from Tiger Mountain Pokhara Lodge is one of the responses. We had to share! Tiger Mountain Pokhara Lodge is honoured to be the first organisation in Nepal to work with Pack for a Purpose. It is such a... Continue reading

PfaP People

If it takes a village to raise a child, it definitely takes a team to sustain Pack for a Purpose. We would like to introduce our intern for this current semester, Melissa Mikell, who is publishing our newsletter and has been responsible for updating our website, keeping our Facebook fabulous, inviting new lodgings to join... Continue reading

Wedding Wonderful!

In 2012, we had our first reported PfaP bride and groom! We want to congratulate this thoughtful couple on their creativity in managing to Pack for a Purpose before their honeymoon without our wonderful tips! For your wedding, you can choose to be PfaP honeymooners! Joy is a contagion worth spreading! Sharing the wonder of... Continue reading

Liz Goes to Laos

Here’s Liz Meredith’s Story in her own words: Visiting the country of Laos had been a dream of mine for the past few years. It’s a long trip for a single mother from Alaska to make, but I had the feeling that it would be a life-changing experience. Rich with a diversity of cultures, history,... Continue reading