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Ecuador Freedom Bike Rentals

PfaP Travelers Spread the Filipino Tradition of Balikbayan with Ecuador Freedom Bike Rental

Over two years into the travel restrictions implemented due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my plans for traveling back home to visit family in the Philippines were postponed yet again this past winter. My nostalgia for travel directed me to recreating my missed homebound vacation elsewhere, specifically Ecuador in Latin America. They have unique cultural traditions, a melting pot of must-try cuisines, and a... Continue reading

I’m always looking for the “why”. In this case, why Ecuador?

In 2019 when Terry first announced that he wanted to join a couple of buddies on a motorcycle adventure ride in Ecuador my first reaction was “why a motorcycle ride in Ecuador? Why not California where we live? Or any number of back roads in the USA?” His trip was rescheduled three times because of... Continue reading

Washed Out Roads, No Obstacle to Committed PfaP Travelers

Each year our daughter goes to sleepaway camp, which gives us the perfect opportunity to take an “alone trip.” My other half, Alex, told me that he would take me anywhere that I wanted to go. I knew this was too good to be true, because he followed it up with “What do you think... Continue reading

Recorders Ride into Ecuador Hitting Just the Right Note

I retired after 27 years as a Public Information Officer in the US Army after multiple deployments around the world. In many of those deployments we were able to interact with the local people and build schools, clinics, provide medical assistance and the list goes on. We also often brought along soccer balls and school supplies to... Continue reading