A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »


PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose would like to welcome its newest intern, Cameron Vandenboom! Cameron is a senior at NC State University and found Pack for a Purpose through the English internship program at NCSU.  Cameron studies English with a concentration in Secondary Teacher Education.  She will be graduating in December and hopes to work as... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is pleased to welcome a new volunteer intern, Melissa Hoffman. Melissa is a senior at North Carolina State University, majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public and Interpersonal Communication, with a minor in English. She reached out to Pack for a Purpose in hopes of gaining valuable knowledge of the... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose would like to welcome another new intern, Andrew Brown. Andrew discovered Pack for a Purpose through N.C. State’s English internship program, and decided to intern with us after coming to understand Pack for a Purpose’s desire to impact communities around the world in a particularly generous, positive, and proactive way. In... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is deligthed to welcome our newest intern, DeErricka Green. DeErricka is a senior graduating from North Carolina State University in May. She is an English student with a concentration in Creative Writing, double minoring in Tecnhnical Scientific Communication and Africana Studies. She hopes to attend law school in the fall of 2014.... Continue reading