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PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome one of our new interns for the Spring Semester, Sydni Collins! Sydni is a senior at NC State University and will be graduating in May. She found Pack for a Purpose through her internship program at NCSU.  Sydni studies Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing and... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

  Pack for a Purpose is delighted to welcome our newest intern, Elizabeth Hodges! Elizabeth discovered Pack for a Purpose on ePack while searching for an internship. Elizabeth interviewed for several internships before choosing to intern at Pack for a Purpose. Elizabeth expressed that, after all the interviews, Pack for a Purpose was the best... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

  Pack for a Purpose is excited to welcome its newest volunteer, Megan Ellisor! Megan is a junior at NC State studying communication. She is also pursuing minors in Spanish and international studies. She heard about Pack for a Purpose from a former intern in her English internships class, and the organization immediately sparked her... Continue reading