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PfaP Travellers to Thailand Expand Their Generosity and Impact

At Spicy Villa Eco-Lodges, we always strive to have a positive impact on local tribal villages. Everyone who works for us comes from tribal villages and we make it a point to pay them fairly so they can stay in the village and support their families. A percentage of all our profits goes to the... Continue reading

The Coolwater Receives Supplies from Some Cool PfaP Travelers

The Coolwater in Thailand has directed some of its earnings to local charities in Phuket as part of our community outreach for many years. However, a couple of months ago, we decided to change that and see what we could do for the Hill Tribe children of Northern Thailand, as we are already close to... Continue reading

Terrific PfaP experience in Thailand!

My wife, 10-year-old son, 13-year-old daughter and I climbed off the train onto the hot platform of the Udon Thani station having just completed the 9 hour journey from Bangkok on a second class car.  We were conspicuous not only as travelers with back packs, but also, by the four additional large suitcases we were... Continue reading

Molly’s Story

We were heading to Thailand and Cambodia to celebrate my 40th birthday. When we found out about Pack for a Purpose, it afforded us the opportunity to give back for my birthday. We filled a duffel bag with school supplies and dropped it off in Chiang Mai for the local school supported by Buffalo Tours.... Continue reading