Pack for a Purpose does not condone visiting orphanages, as this can often lead to negative impacts on children. The accommodation or tour company working with the orphanage will deliver the supplies in a coordinated and respectful way so that the children can benefit from them. Your generosity is not diminished because you do not interact with the children.
Supporting 5 projects below
Project Description
Hoedspruit Elephant Rehabilitation and Development (HERD) is the first dedicated elephant orphanage in South Africa.
Project Needs
General Medical:
Alcohol Swabs, Disinfectant – F10 supplies, Hot Water Bottles, Infrared Lamps, Paper Hand Towels, Pen-Torches/Flashlights, Thermometer (Digital), Syringes, and Teats
Dressings and Surgical Gloves
5 ml Syringes, 10ml Syringes, 20ml Syringes, and 50ml Syringes
Aqueous cream, Baby Bum Cream, Betadine, Biorem, Buscopan, and Protexin
Bathing Towels, Hand Towels, and Swimming Towels
Animal Supplies:
Project Description
Hlokomela is an award winning HIV/AIDS educational and treatment program targeting workers, including foreign migrants, in agricultural, nature conservation and tourism sectors in The Greater Kruger to Canyons area located in Limpopo and Mpumalanga. The program aims to reduce HIV vulnerability through peer education, raising awareness, prevention and treatment. The project has been running successfully for the past 11 years and currently has 71 sub project sites. An estimated 25,000 people are reached annually through the activities of the program.
Project Needs
General Medical:
Blood Pressure Cuff (Sphygmomanometer), Digital Blood Pressure Cuff (Sphygmomanometer), and Sanitary Napkins
Testing Kits:
Cholesterol POC test units and strips
Specifically for Children:
Weighing Scales
Office Supplies:
Handheld Pencil Sharpeners, Markers, Pencils, Pens, Printer Paper, Rulers, Scissors, Solar Calculators, and Staplers
General School Supplies:
Educational Games/Toys:
Bananagrams, Chess Sets, Connect Four, Scrabble, Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys, and Puzzles
New Bras, New or Gently Used Children’s Clothing, New or Gently Used Children’s Shoes, and New Underwear
Bath Towels and Linen Sets
Bowls, Pans, Plastic Serving Bowls, Plastic Serving Cups, Plastic Serving Plates, Pots, Serving Spoons, and Spatulas
Art Supplies for Artist Initiatives and Community Produced Projects: Acrylic Paints, Acrylic Paint Brushes, Clothing Catalogs, Fabric Scissors, Sewing Needles, Sewing Scissors, Sewing Patterns, Tape Measures, Thread, and Wool
Cloth Caddy for Small Tools, Gardening Gloves, Hand Fork, Small Pruning Shears, Spades, and Trowel
Project Description
We have joined with HERD Elephant Orphanage to support Mpisi Primary School close to us in Hoedspruit to assist the school and students with certain projects and supplies.
Project Needs
General School Supplies:
Colored Pencils, Crayons, and Handheld Pencil Sharpeners
Reference Materials:
(English) Dictionaries
Flash Cards:
(English) Alphabet, Math, and Words
Laminated Wall Cards:
(English) Human Body, Language, Math, Science, and World Maps
Text/Reading Books:
Age-Appropriate Story Books (Ages 6 through 12), Biology, General Science, Health, Language/Grammar, and Math
Art Supplies:
Acrylic Paint and Brushes, Beads, Buttons, Glue, and Scissors
Computer Hardware/Software:
Educational software, Laptops and/or Tablets
Educational Games/Toys:
Bananagrams, Puzzles and Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys
Sports/Outdoor Activity:
Soccer Balls and Team Uniforms/Kits for Soccer
First Aid/Health:
First Aid Kits
Office Supplies:
Markers, Pens and Pencils
Plastic Serving Bowls, Cups, and Plates, Pots, and Spoons (For Children)
Gardening Supplies:
Books about Gardening, Gardening Gloves, Hand Forks, Small Pruning Shears, and Spades
Project Description
Vet Books for Africa is a non-profit society affiliated with the Faculty of Veterinary Science of the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The Vet Books for Africa team consists of eight Onderstepoort students that deliver textbooks, journals, supplies and equipment of veterinary interest to remote veterinary faculties, sanctuaries, animal rehabilitation centers and community veterinary clinics in Africa. Vet Books plan to visit 7 schools throughout Africa in December 2022, that need stationary. They aim to help about 1500 learners in total, to give each learner in a respective school a packet full of necessary school stationary.
Project Needs
General School Supplies:
*Blue Pens, Book Bags, College-Ruled Paper, Crayons, *Erasers, *Exercise Books/Notebooks, *Handheld Pencil Sharpeners, Pencil Cases/Bags, *Pencils, Pens, and *Rulers
Project Description
Xilaveko Day Care is situated in Timbavati Village in Acornhoek and currently has 65 learners from ages zero through four years. The day care was founded by Obert Chauke and Ivy Sibuyi. Obert is one of our highly respected butlers at Jabulani and has been at the lodge for 16 years. Their goal is to create empowerment and opportunities for people in the local community to combat the challenges of unemployment, poverty, and hunger. Obert and Ivy would like to accept more children at the day care, to help their community in greater ways.
Project Needs
General School Supplies:
Colored Pencils, Crayons, Markers, Pencils, Pens, and *Sleeping Sponge Mattress & Blankets
Text/Reading Books:
*Age-Appropriate Story Books
Art Supplies:
Watercolor Paints
Educational Games/Toys:
Puzzles, Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys and *Toys for Toddlers
Sports/Outdoor Activity:
Soccer Balls and Play Equipment
First Aid/Health:
Band-Aids and First Aid Kits
Plastic Serving Bowls, Plastic Serving Cups, Plastic Serving Plates, Pots, and *Plastic Spoons
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