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Facts about Asia

Tourists planning an international vacation look to Asia for its varied countryside, rich cultural history, and surprising nightlife. Adventure vacationers are greeted by mountains, vast deserts, and shimmering lakes of Mongolia. Historians discover the beautiful architecture and preserved heritage and historical sites in Japan. Each destination in Asia offers a new experience to every visitor. For voluntourists and vacationers who would like to make a difference in the places that they visit, there are several non-profit service organizations seeking to improve the local communities.

One service project in Japan that accepts the generosity of responsible tourism and voluntourists is the Living Dreams non-profit organization. This program, supported through the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo Community Footprints, works to enrich and empower underprivileged children in the orphanages of Japan. Those interested in helping children can donate to a local school and hospital that serves the small town of Bulgan. Tourists who are interested in improving the environment can give back with the Native tree planting project. Tourists interested in helping preserve the traditional musical heritage of Mongolia can help the Hanhongor Sum School by donating musical and art supplies.
