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To see the project(s) supported by our participants and their needs list, click on the specific link below for that accommodation or tour company.

Accommodations & Tour Companies

Note: Locations are approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us.

Once you choose a lodging from this page, you will be able to see the exact needs requested by the community project so you can choose to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you bring.

Stories from Mongolia

Facts about Mongolia

The mix of the vast Gobi desert, snowy mountains, dramatic gorges, and shimmering lakes of Mongolia capture the imagination of tourists and international travelers. Visitors can expect to find this beautiful landscape dotted with historic ruins, Buddhist temples, and majestic wildlife. Heading to more modernized parts of the country re-unites travelers with internet cafes, cocktail bars, and a bustling nightlife. Voluntourists and humanitarians looking forward to a trip abroad to Mongolia can find a variety of non-profit groups, service organizations, and charities in need of donations.

Voluntourists visiting Mongolia on their international vacation will find a variety of service projects and non-profits accepting help via donations. Those interested in helping children can donate to a local school and hospital that serves the small town of Bulgan. This non-profit group accepts donations of school supplies, including pencils and erasers; they also accept donations of art supplies and medical supplies. Travelers who are interested in responsible tourism and improving the environment can give back with the Native tree planting project. Tourists interested in helping preserve the traditional musical heritage of Mongolia can help the Hanhongor Sum school by donating musical supplies and art supplies, including slipper shoes, music notebooks, and reeds.