A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »


To see the project(s) supported by our participants and their needs list, click on the specific link below for that accommodation or tour company.
Note: Locations are approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us.

Once you choose a lodging from this page, you will be able to see the exact needs requested by the community project so you can choose to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you bring.

Facts about Panama

If you’re deciding on the destination for your next international vacation, consider traveling to Panama. The country, most notable for the Panama Canal, offers a mix of incredible culture, lush green highlands, pristine coasts and serpentine rivers. The locals are noticeably friendly, and you’ll have the opportunity to meet indigenous people like the Kuna, who live in the Comarca de Kuna Yala. The capital city, Panama City, is a large urban scene lined with skyscrapers while small, traditional villages can be found just an hour beyond the city lights.

Volunteers in Panama who are interested in responsible tourism are always welcome to help support school children and community medical centers. Give back to the community by donating school supplies, medical supplies, and more. These goods help support children, including those who have descended from the country’s indigenous groups , a population that has been able to preserve its many customs and traditions. Environmental voluntourism is also a good choice, as a third of the country is protected by national parks, which house 10,000 varieties of plants, 231 mammals, and more than 1,000 bird species.