Pack for a Purpose does not condone visiting orphanages, as this can often lead to negative impacts on children. The accommodation or tour company working with the orphanage will deliver the supplies in a coordinated and respectful way so that the children can benefit from them. Your generosity is not diminished because you do not interact with the children.
Supporting 2 projects below
Project Description
This project benefits the indigenous Amazon Pilchi Community School and the children that attend. The local community acts as a meeting point between all the homes that are spread throughout the Amazon jungle. In order for the children to attend they must walk up to an hour to get to the community center, or take a canoe for about half an hour. These children and their families choose to live as their ancestors did in the jungle but still want to offer a decent education to their families so that they are able to protect and conserve the area.
Project Needs
General School Supplies:
Book Bags, Chalk, College-Ruled Paper, Colored Construction Paper, Colored Pencils, Compasses, Crayons, Dry-Erase Markers, Erasers, Glue Sticks, Handheld Pencil Sharpeners, Markers, Pencils, Pencil Cases/Bags, Pens, Protractors, Rulers, Solar Calculators, Solar Lantern Lights, and Wide-Ruled Paper
Reference Materials:
(English and Spanish) Dictionaries and Age Appropriate Encyclopedias on CD (in English and Spanish)
Flash Cards:
(English and Spanish) Alphabet, Math, and Word
Laminated Wall Charts:
(English and Spanish) Human Body, Language, Math, Science, and World Maps
Text/Reading Books:
(English and Spanish) Age-Appropriate Story Books, General Science, Health, Language/Grammar, and Math
Hesperian Health Guides:
(English and Spanish) Community Guide to Environmental Health, Disabled Village Children, and Where There Is No Doctor
Art Supplies:
Acrylic Paints, Acrylic Paint Brushes, Beads for Bead Work, Buttons, Craft Glue, Craft Scissors, Earring Hooks, Sewing Needles, Thread, Watercolor Paints, Watercolor Paint Brushes, and Wire Cutters
Computer Hardware/Software:
Working Laptops and an EPSON L 3240 Color Printer with Ink Cartridges
Educational Games/Toys:
Bananagrams, Chess Sets, Connect Four, Puzzles, Scrabble, and Stuffed Animals/Soft Toys
Music Instruments:
Castanets, Cymbals, Guiros, Harmonicas/Kazoos, Maracas, Recorders, Tambourines, Triangles, and Xylophones
Sports/Outdoor Activity:
Frisbees, Inflation Pumps, Jump Ropes, Netball/Basketballs, Soccer Balls, Team Uniforms/Kits for Soccer, Tennis Balls, and Whistles
First Aid/Health:
Antibiotic Ointment, Band-Aids, Sanitary Napkins, and Tampons
Office Supplies:
Markers, Pencils, Pens, Printer Paper, Rulers, Scissors, Solar Calculators, and Staplers
Gardening Gloves, Hand Fork, Small Pruning Shears, and Spades
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