Tour Company
Pack for a Purpose does not condone visiting orphanages, as this can often lead to negative impacts on children. The accommodation or tour company working with the orphanage will deliver the supplies in a coordinated and respectful way so that the children can benefit from them. Your generosity is not diminished because you do not interact with the children.
Supporting 2 projects below
Project Description
Tamzhing Monastery educates 100 students from the ages of 7 through 20 years old in the monastic traditions of Bhutan. In addition, YANA Expeditions gives part of your tour payment to sponsor monks from economically disadvantaged families awaiting formal enrolment in these monastic schools.
Project Needs
General School Supplies:
Book Bags, Pencils, and Pencil Cases/Bags
Reference Materials:
(English) Dictionaries
Flash Cards:
(English) Alphabet, Math, and Word
Text/Reading Books:
(English) Language/Grammar
Computer Hardware/Software:
Working Laptops
Bath Towels, Bed Linens, and Light Blankets
Project Description
Books for Bhutan donates books for several school libraries in rural areas across Bhutan. These school libraries currently serve more than 300 students.
Project Needs
Arts and Recreation, Children’s Storybooks, Early Childhood Development, General Works, Computer Science and Information, Language, ‘Learning-to-Read’ Books, Literature, Philosophy and Psychology, Social Sciences, Science, Technology, Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction, and Young Readers and Teenage Fiction
Hesperian Health Guides:
(English) Helping Children Who Are Blind, Helping Children Who Are Deaf, and A Health Handbook for Women with Disabilities
Library Supplies:
Ballpoint Pens
Computer Hardware/Software:
Tablets and Working Laptops
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