A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »


To see the project(s) supported by our participants and their needs list, click on the specific link below for that accommodation or tour company.
Note: Locations are approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us.

Once you choose a lodging from this page, you will be able to see the exact needs requested by the community project so you can choose to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you bring.

Facts about Nepal

Adventure vacationers, voluntourists, and traveling families often set their sights on Nepal. Here, the South Asian countryside in India meets the heights of the Himalayas, providing beautiful scenes, thrilling outdoor adventures, and enticing cultural experiences for all its visitors. International travelers from many different countries come to experience Nepal’s white-water rafting, bike through terrain, and trek to the Everest Base camp. Tourists packing for Nepal can give back to this beautiful country and its struggling communities by bringing more than their hiking boots.

Voluntourists and others interested in donating to communities in need can find a variety of non-profit groups and service projects in need of donations. For travelers in Nepal who are interested in responsible tourism and giving to preserve the wildlife, a Student-Eco-Club at a local high school is working to protect the natural habitat of the Royal Bengal Tiger, the Asiatic Elephant, and the Greater One-horned Rhinoceros; they accept donations of wildlife books and posters, school supplies, and binoculars. Other school and library programs in Nepal also accept donated school supplies, including books, writing utensils, and art supplies. Medical clinics working to improve the wellness of Nepal’s inhabitants accept medical supply donations.