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Gifts Galore for the Children at Grand Fond School on Dominica

3 Rivers & Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge, is very proud to announce that as part of our partnership program with Pack for a Purpose Mrs. Angela Bailey and 50, yes 50, of her friends self-named the “Splendidors” all disembarked The Carnival Splendor cruise ship today, bearing bags and bundles of useful items and gifts for the Grand Fond School and its pupils.


Mr. Sheppee, from Sheppee tours, helped organize the event during one his exciting island tours, and Mrs. Leslie, the school principal was there with the owner of the Three Rivers and Rosalie Eco Lodge Mr. Jem Winston to greet our generous visitors Over 200 lbs of goods makes it our Pack for a Purpose record. Thanks also to Carnival Cruise line for bringing them to Dominica.



3 Rivers & Rosalie Forest Eco Lodge works in collaboration with Pack for a Purpose to assist the Grand Fond Primary School.

Mrs.Leslie at Grand Fond has created an ingenious rewards program, where each donated item is given a points value, and the pupils earn points through work and good behavior and can choose their gifts according to their number of points they have accumulated. This teaches the children how to budget and the value of goods, even gifts!

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