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With PfaP, Giving is Receiving

Outback Adventures is an Adventure Tour Company located in the Dominican Republic. We offer travelers to our island, a unique experience on getting to know the real island life outside the resorts and learn about our culture and history.

Since we founded the company back in 1997, it was agreed that supporting the community should be one of our key objectives. We wanted to create a company that supports sustainable and reasonable tourism to show travelers and tourists the beauty of the island by giving the opportunity to meet all the wonderful people and their families.

Throughout the years, we met so many people with an urge to help while in vacation. They would bring school materials, clothing or toothbrushes on tour and hand them out to families on the route. We decided to get more organized and gather some information from rural schools and local organizations that would not get the government help to assure the quality of teaching or medical assistance in the countryside areas.

Since we started participating in the Pack for a Purpose program, the numbers of people who wanted to support our projects have skyrocketed. Every month, we receive emails from guests asking how they can get involved and what is needed most. This year, we have been able to receive and hand out an amazing 3,500 lbs of school supplies, clothing, hygiene articles, musical instruments, books and teaching material as well as medical aid for clinics. We are very thankful for such a great support.

So many travelers went beyond and above to assure they could bring enough of what these communities need most. We have been blown away by their generosity.

We can assure now that most of the children are able to go to the school, having received backpacks and needed school supplies. Teachers now can create fantastic arts and crafts workshops because the amount of materials provided to them. We are able to bring big smiles to children’s faces at the orphanage when we drop off toys and clothing for them; it shows them that they are loved and have not been forgotten. Families with few resources are getting a helping hand in Haitian communities also called Batays. Local sport clubs received baseball equipment and uniforms, soccer balls and shoes. This helps the trainers to keep kids off the streets and getting in trouble while growing up in an instable environment.

We strongly believe that there is a huge benefit for all of us that participate in these projects, as giving back means also to receive, sometimes a thankful smile or an honest hug and the invitation to make friends for lifetime. We keep close contact with most of the guests who have visited us to provide information on the improvement of each of our projects and where their donation has made a difference.

We want to thank the PfaP team for helping us to spread the word and share our story so that many other travelers can come here in the future and experience the warm and open, welcoming nature of the Dominican people.

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