Clinic Supplies
Global Travelers and Company Group Story
Leggra Colon (Owner of Global Travelers LLC/Global Travelers and Company) and 1st Lady Trucker/Mrs. Sarlentia Holt (wife of DJ Trucker) We’re thrilled to announce that we’re entering our second year of partnership with Pack For A Purpose! Last year, we worked with this incredible organization to expand our philanthropic efforts at Global Travelers and Company... Continue reading
P2P Projects Provide Important Supplies for the Entire Community
As a business in the hospitality industry, our mission is to delight our guests with the highest quality services we can offer and provide them with cherished memories that will last a lifetime. But our company mission doesn’t end there. Beyond being members of the business community, we passionately believe that we are a part... Continue reading
Kepi Peterson, Julie Craven-Bennedeb, and Krishna Parmar’s Story
Shortly before a group trip to St. Vincent & the Grenadines I discovered Pack for a Purpose. I put a quick note out to the group and 2 others joined me in pulling together some donations. Julie brought dog food, medicine and old towels for Bequia Animal Protection Alliance, Krishna brought medical supplies, toothbrushes and... Continue reading
The Cate Family’s Story
My family had a dive trip to Belize scheduled for March 2020. Covid canceled that. We rescheduled a few times and finally got to experience the gorgeous country in August ‘21. I work at a local shelter. So when I saw the connection with Pack & the Hopkins Humane Society, I knew I needed... Continue reading
Pack for a Purpose Joy in Jamaica
I am overjoyed that Pack for a Purposes resonates so strongly with so many. On July 6, 2021, my husband Scott and I were finally able to celebrate his postponed 71st birthday trip originally scheduled for late March, 2020. We chose to go to our first Sandals resort because Scott loves beaches and warm weather,... Continue reading
Kristen’s Journey to the Board
The feature story below was written by Gregory Ingraham as part of an assignment for The Selling Power of Storytelling class, Spring 2021, at St. John Fisher College. Doctor Monica A. Hodis, Associate Professor of Marketing, selected Pack for a Purpose as a client for her class. Gregory Ingraham chose Marcus Cotton as the person... Continue reading
Africa Albida Tourism’s Commitment to Travel with Purpose
In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, Africa Albida Tourism and Pack for a Purpose guests brought smiles to surrounding communities in the Victoria Falls region. With travel restrictions in place from March 2020, the usually bustling city of Victoria Falls fell strangely quiet as hotels closed, activities stopped operating and even the popular souvenir... Continue reading
Theresa’s Story
I have traveled to nearly 60 countries in my lifetime, and it’s unfortunate to just now discover the Pack for Purpose organization! I always try to integrate passion and purpose into all of my personal and professional endeavors – and giving back has always been a way of life for me. It’s the least I... Continue reading
Rediscover the Joy of Travel!
Traveling is no longer just about pleasure and fun. In recent years, a new type of tourism (solidarity and sustainable tourism) has begun to gain prominence. When we look at community needs and choose to address them in order achieve a better world, it generates a positive transformation inside ourselves. The options for solidary and... Continue reading
Maki’s Story
This was my second time participating in the Pack for a Purpose initiative. This time my family and I visited Dominican Republic. Along with the help of another organization called “Not Just Tourists,” I was able to bring three big suitcases. Two of them had a lot of different medical supplies and one suitcase had... Continue reading