A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

Global Travelers and Company Group Story

Leggra Colon (Owner of Global Travelers LLC/Global Travelers and Company) and 1st Lady Trucker/Mrs. Sarlentia Holt (wife of DJ Trucker)

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re entering our second year of partnership with Pack For A Purpose! Last year, we worked with this incredible organization to expand our philanthropic efforts at Global Travelers and Company on a much broader scale. Our goal at Global Travelers is always to positively impact the destinations we visit with the travel groups we host. Our numbers range from 50 to 500 to 1,000 and more, and with so many local individuals taking care of us while we enjoy their beautiful landscapes, we want to ensure that we give back in kind.

400 PfaP Travelers Make a Big Impact

In 2022, we had the pleasure of supporting organizations in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Over 400 guests joined us for the Southern Soul sounds of DJ Trucker MC against the stunning backdrop of Punta Cana. We collected over 800 pounds of medical and school supplies, personal hygiene items, and children’s clothing.

DJ Trucker and 1st Lady Trucker/Mrs. Sarlentia Holt

This year, we’re excited to expand our mission to support those who support us, and we’ll be donating to organizations in St. Lucea, Jamaica. Together with the wonderful people of Jamaica, we’ll be hosting 800 guests at our 2nd Annual Southern Soul Getaway with DJ Trucker MC…HAAAN!!! We’re confident that our donations will make a real difference in the lives of the people there, and we’re proud to be doing our part to give back to the communities that make our travels so memorable.


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