A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

The Coggins Family’s Story

My husband, Steve, and I are honored to be friends with the Pack for a Purpose founder, Rebecca Rothney and her wonderful husband, Scott! We were excited to finally be able to take a safe trip to Aruba after having to cancel five other trips due to Covid. We chose the project which provides school and art supplies, and health materials and toiletries for the children of The Casa Cuna Progreso. This project provides for children in crisis situations, such as educational or emotional neglect, abuse and behavioral problems. This gives care to 36 children from infancy to eight years old seven days a week, and is administered through Playa Linda Beach resort. I shopped at Walmart in Wilmington, North Carolina for two hours to find the most things that I could get for the $210 suggested limit and that would fit in one suitcase! It was delightful to meet Aida, the director of the project and her assistant, who took fun pictures of us exchanging our box of goodies for the children.

We have always tried to find ways to give back to the people of countries we visit, and Pack for a Purpose is the most organized and effective way to do this! I encourage everyone to find a project on the PfaP website that speaks to their heart whenever they travel, as it will make such a difference to the people in the community projects that have been chosen by Rebecca to partner with PfaP. We are thankful for this most creative and unique way to make our travel meaningful!

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