A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »

PfaP Portraits

PfaP is delighted to welcome Stacey Minter as of our intern for the spring semester. We are especially grateful in this difficult time of the pandemic that Stacey is able to work remotely and be very effective. Stacey took a COVID-19 test, and as it was negative, we had the pleasure of meeting her masked-face to masked-face at world headquarters. 

I’m a senior at NC State University majoring in Communication with minors in Nonprofit Studies and Visual Art Studies. I found Pack for a Purpose through my nonprofit studies minor and ePACK, a career development website provided by NC State. I was drawn to Pack for a Purpose’s mission and sustainable practices, with the promise of Rebecca’s famous cookies as an added bonus.

I enjoy reading, hunting for thrift store treasures, and music of all kinds. Though I currently live in Raleigh, my heart lives in the beautiful NC mountains and I’m looking forward to finding a place I love like them. As a first-generation low-income student, I hope to help people like myself after graduation and generate systemic change everywhere I go.

I plan to apply my passion for nonprofit service and organizational communication to my work at PfaP. While I’ll likely be leaving PfaP after graduating, I look forward to continuing the relationship and hopefully becoming a PfaP traveler myself one day.


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