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PfaP Portrait

I’m Abby Gordon, a senior at North Carolina State University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Criminology. I plan to continue my education in Graduate school and expand my knowledge upon graduating with my undergraduate degree this Spring. With that, I plan to become a Counselor with a specialization in trauma and... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

  As I adjust to my junior year at NC State University, I’m grateful for the opportunity I have as an intern with Pack for a Purpose. Studying both public relations and Spanish with minors in nonprofit studies and journalism, this is a best of all worlds position for me. I’m improving my communication and... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

  Hi everyone! My name is Sarah Cam, I’m a senior at North Carolina State University majoring in sociology with a minor in Spanish. I love to read, work out, hike, bake, and take photos. I learned about Pack for a Purpose through an email from my department advisor and fell in love with this... Continue reading

Jane’s Story

Hello big time fan, often traveler with supplies.  I work for Delta Airlines, and since we get those fantastic travel benefits, I recently did a bulletin board featuring Pack For A Purpose. Since we all travel I am trying to get my fellow employees to go on PFAP.org and start the process.  I’ve also started... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

We are delighted to welcome Jack Scheef as our newest intern at Pack for a Purpose. We had the pleasure of working with Jack over the summer and know he will be an outstanding intern.    I am a junior in the International Baccalaureate program at Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina. I have... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

PfaP is delighted to welcome Amelia Cook as our summer intern. As my senior year at NC State University was nearing its close, I began to self-assess, and think about what kind of jobs would make me feel happy and fulfilled following an incredible four years of school.   As a member of the Public... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

PfaP is delighted to welcome Stacey Minter as of our intern for the spring semester. We are especially grateful in this difficult time of the pandemic that Stacey is able to work remotely and be very effective. Stacey took a COVID-19 test, and as it was negative, we had the pleasure of meeting her masked-face... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

PfaP is delighted to welcome Rocio Antelis as one of our 2 new outstanding interns this summer. Rocio is a senior at NC State University double majoring in Business Administration and International Studies. She found Pack for a Purpose through ePACK, a career development website provided by NC State. She was drawn to the international... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is excited to welcome our newest intern, Tabatha Centano! I am a senior at North Carolina State University finishing a degree in Communication with a concentration in Public Relations. I enjoy reading, writing, and traveling. While I have learned a lot in my studies in Communication, my first passion has always... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

  Pack for a Purpose is delighted to introduce one of our four amazing summer interns, Jake Pacheco! I am a rising senior at UNC-Chapel Hill pursuing degrees in Public Relations and Political Science. I discovered Pack for a Purpose through my university’s career services and was drawn to the opportunity to gain experience working... Continue reading