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PfaP Portraits

PfaP is delighted to welcome Amelia Cook as our summer intern.

As my senior year at NC State University was nearing its close, I began to self-assess, and think about what kind of jobs would make me feel happy and fulfilled following an incredible four years of school.


As a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, I had the opportunity to attend a virtual Career Fair in which Pack for a Purpose was listed. The organization instantly caught my interest and I had the chance to meet 1-1 with Rebecca, and her current intern at the time, to learn more about what working for a non-profit like PfaP was like.


During this brief meeting, I got a sense of the amazing work environment that has been built over the years at PfaP, as well as just how fascinating the work that the organization does, and I wanted to get involved. I was pleasantly surprised when I was offered a position as an intern, as I wasn’t even aware they were actively looking for someone.


The mission and philosophy of PfaP, and working with a passionate individual like Rebecca, inspire me to be a more selfless and grateful person every day. I am thankful to be a part of the PfaP team, even temporarily, because I know will continue to learn and grow so much from this experience. I will carry this new repertoire of knowledge into my future endeavors and hope to Pack for a Purpose myself one day.

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