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From Travelers

Susan Calandra’s Story

I’ve been doing medical missions as a physical therapist over the past two years and started a blog to increase awareness called goonamission.blogspot.com. As I was planning a trip to Costa Rica with my daughter and 3 other couples, my 14 year old asked what we could do to help in Costa Rica. That’s when... Continue reading

Connected by Kindness

What happens when you combine the efforts of juvenile justice professionals, delinquent minors, and caring community members in Anchorage, Alaska? An opportunity to change lives in Laos happens. After traveling to Laos last January, connecting with Pack for a Purpose and Rivertime Ecolodge’s Barnaby Evans, it became obvious that the space designated for the children’s library at Dong Bang... Continue reading

Costa Rica Continues…

Just before leaving for a trip to Costa Rica that my family had received through the Costa Rica Tourism Board’s Gift of Happiness Sweepstakes, I learned about Pack for a Purpose, and the wonderful fact that our hotel, La Quinta de Sarapiqui, is a participating inn. We happily purchased and packed art and school supplies... Continue reading

Belinda Farmer’s Story

It was with much excitement that I discovered Pack for a Purpose, from a newspaper article in Australia. My family and I were travelling to Tanzania to climb Mt Kilimanjaro before enjoying various safaris throughout the Serengeti. However, due to our light aircraft restrictions it was necessary for us to be met at Nairobi International... Continue reading

The Ekarintaragun Family – Costa Rica, June 2012

Small Space, Little Effort, Big Impact… truly sums up the Pack for a Purpose program with such extraordinary impact for the traveler. We learned about PfaP through the Costa Rica Tourism Board and our family was thrilled with the concept. My daughter Brianna, a fifth-grader at Village Green Environmental Studies School, often reminds me about... Continue reading

Martha Katz’s Story

I read about Pack for a Purpose in Oprah’s magazine and thought what a wonderful organization, too bad I won’t be traveling to any of those places. Then, an opportunity arose for me to travel to Guatemala this summer. I immediately went to the Pack for a Purpose website to see if there was a... Continue reading

Lauren’s Story

I found out about Pack for a Purpose through Global Basecamps. This past March, my mother and I traveled to Tanzania for a nine day safari through the country’s northern circuit. Our first official day of safari began with a visit to Esilalei Maasai Village. Here we had the chance to visit the primary school... Continue reading

Sloan Fellows CoMIT to “Improve the World”

On May 20, 2012, 100 mid-career executives from 27 countries around the world — the 2012 class of MIT’s Sloan School of Management Sloan Fellows in Innovation and Global Leadership — arrived at the Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg, South Africa. This was the beginning of the capstone trip of our time at MIT:... Continue reading

Shawn’s Story

I stumbled onto the Pack for a Purpose website when my husband and I were preparing to travel to South Africa for a vacation in May 2011. Although we didn’t connect with a specific organization , Pack for Purpose gave me great ideas on what and how to pack. My husband and I took 4... Continue reading

100 Books, Innumerable Joy!

We’re delighted to share traveler Miki Parker Skeen’s story about her recent Pack for a Purpose contribution. Have you packed for a purpose recently? We’d love to hear your story! My family recently visited the beautiful Caribbean islands of Turks and Caicos. As a future teacher, I was most excited about an excursion to a... Continue reading