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From Travelers

Children, Caring and Community

Our blog post this month comes from a wonderful traveler that we have recently been in touch with, Tara Cannon. I am a mother of two, passionate family traveler, and founder of Pint Size Pilot — a website dedicated to taking the fear out of travel with kids. When I read about Pack for a... Continue reading

Students Cruise, Learn and Pack for a Purpose

by Angela Leimer Every spring students from Purdue University Calumet have the option of signing up for the Hospitality and Tourism Management, Educational Study Cruise. While taking this course the students explore the cruise line industry with a focus on hospitality, leisure, history and marketing operations, while getting the chance to explore other countries. When... Continue reading

Tara’s Story

I was thrilled a while back to discover the type of charitable organization that I wanted to align my family and business with. Although my children are young, I found the methodology behind Pack for a Purpose something they could easily understand, especially since it involved supporting a community project and children. It also led... Continue reading

Wedding Wonderful!

In 2012, we had our first reported PfaP bride and groom! We want to congratulate this thoughtful couple on their creativity in managing to Pack for a Purpose before their honeymoon without our wonderful tips! For your wedding, you can choose to be PfaP honeymooners! Joy is a contagion worth spreading! Sharing the wonder of... Continue reading

Double the Pleasure as Traveler & Partner

Spring is in the air and many of us are planning a vacation over spring break or already planning summer vacation trips with the family and can’t wait to start packing. As I looked for partners in my niche as a Voluntourism specialist at Vacations That Matter, I came across Pack for a Purpose and... Continue reading

Anne & Alexis’s Story – Our First PfaP Bride & Groom!

The concept of the Red Monkey Lodge is to live very close to the locals. We stayed there about 10 days before we moved to Spice Island Resort, where our wedding took place. We also had a guided tour through the village where the lodge is, visited the school, the medicine man, and the local... Continue reading

Increasing the Joy: Big Impact from your Big Day

Sharing the wonder of your wedding can be easily accomplished when you Pack for a Purpose before your honeymoon! With over 230 lodgings on our website, almost all of which have honeymoon accommodations, you can easily find a destination where generosity benefitting the local community can be part of a romantic honeymoon. It starts with... Continue reading

Deb McGrath and Barbara Radecki’s Story

We, Deb McGrath and Barbara Radecki, are writing partners and we write a blog called The Middle Ages. In October 2011, we were awarded a Costa Rica Gift of Happiness in which we would travel to Costa Rica for a week with our husbands, Colin Mochrie and Philippe Ayoub, to explore various sites. On our... Continue reading

Kim & Ricky Gaddini

We visited Sandals Montego Bay in February. We went on the Reading Road Trip, to John Rollins Primary School. We had read about Pack for a Purpose on the Sandals site. We brought our supplies and what an amazing experience this was for us. We are hoping to come back next year and I have... Continue reading

Karen Gendal’s Story

I was so glad to read about Pack for a Purpose in Oprah Magazine. It was just the solution I was looking for – a way to balance out the luxury of an incredible trip to South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia by giving something back to the special places I would visiting. I brought school... Continue reading