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donating supplies

Judi and Harry’s Story

I saw an article about Pack for a Purpose in Traveler magazine and checked out the website. I was amazed with what can happen with just using an unused area of my suitcase. My husband and I and another couple went on a cruise that was stopping in Grenada, so we packed two extra suitcases... Continue reading

Preparing to PfaP in Tanzania

Every Pack for a Purpose trip that we undertake always begins with donations of supplies. For our trip to Tanzania, we were once again very fortunate to have several individuals, groups and companies who filled our six suitcases with the needs from each project’s list. Sharon Luggage, our longtime partner, provided us with suitcases that... Continue reading

Philippa’s Story

My husband and I recently had a wonderful holiday at Little Arches Hotel in Barbados and were very interested to read about Pack For A Purpose on the hotel’s website.  We made sure we left space in our suitcase to pack pencils, erasers, glue sticks, compasses, protractors and pencil sharpeners aplenty which we handed to... Continue reading

Impactful Trip Inspires Grandchildren

My husband and I visited Turks and Caicos about 15 years ago and fell in love with Grace Bay. We have been married for 44 years and over these years we have been very fortunate to be able to travel. Growing up, we did not have the opportunity to travel much, so on our first... Continue reading

Great Goings on in Grenada!

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you begin to ask yourself questions regarding the meaning of life, what is your purpose, and when you leave this planet, how do you want to be remembered? These are just some of the questions that the management team at Le Phare Bleu asked themselves during 2014.... Continue reading

Jim’s Story

I am a travel agent and for years have sent clients all over the world. I remember when I was in Fiji 12 years ago and went to a local school and saw the joy it brought the kids to receive something as simple as a pencil or crayons. Ever since then I have recommended... Continue reading

Anna’s Family Story

For the past several years, we have taken a winter cruise to the Caribbean. This year, my husband found the website Pack for a Purpose and we loaded up a small suitcase to capacity with supplies. When our cruise ship docked in St. Kitts, we took a private tour of the island with a stop... Continue reading

Debbie and Walt’s Story

We Pack for a Purpose every trip out of country whether through this website or through our local dive shop.  We always top up every suitcase to our maximum weight and generally take at least 20 pounds. We have hauled clothes, shoes, medical supplies, and hygienic items.  Our most recent trip was to Grand Cayman... Continue reading

Tanya’s Story

My family and I went to Curacao this past Christmas and stayed at the Santa Barbara Beach and Golf Resort. Instead of buying presents for each other we thought that taking the trip would be a great experience and buying gifts for children in Curacao would be the best gift of all. It was great... Continue reading

Caroline’s Story

Le Phare Bleu Marina & Boutique Hotel’s guests are making a big difference in the lives of the children at Woburn Methodist School, St. George’s Grenada, with their Pack for a Purpose donations. On December 11, 2014, Caroline Edwards, HR Manager and Cheryl Rennie, Marketing Manager, delivered 15,4 kilos (35.05 pounds) of items, which included books,... Continue reading