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Marc’s Story

I have been able to bring school materials to places while traveling abroad four times. I like traveling and cooperation, this involves the concept called responsible traveling. The truth is that with Pack for a Purpose, it was much easier than finding a NGO that works in the field. Two out of the four times, I have brought... Continue reading

The Furse Family’s Story

My family and I spent Christmas at a hotel in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco, about an hour from Marrakech. The hotel, Kasbah Tamadot, includes information about Pack for a Purpose on its website, and encourages guests to bring supplies to benefit Berber families living nearby. (The hotel’s owners have also created various skills training... Continue reading

Melissa’s Story

Last April my boyfriend Mike and I flew from Seattle Washington to the Sandos in Los Cabos. It was my very first time in Mexico. I am a teacher and was very passionate about Packing for a Purpose. I did. I collected construction paper, glue sticks, pens, crayons, markers and so much more. I even... Continue reading

Allison’s Story

Our business is a digital marketing and social media training and speaking business, so we get to travel the world to amazing places to help businesses grow. Recently we had the pleasure of speaking in Belize. I asked myself, how can we help? And then how can we help even more? The answer was very... Continue reading

The Haggett’s Family Story

I found out about Pack for a Purpose just before we left for our holiday to South Africa. One of the hotels we stayed in was a participant in the program. I started packing a backpack full of supplies in need for the local school. My 6 year old helped me choose items and pack... Continue reading

Friendship Force Reaches Out through PfaP

Inspired by a photo of a new teacher in Van with her students, our Friendship Force Tour of Turkey ended with a slow surge through Istanbul commuter traffic up to the Ritz Carlton Hotel, our Pack for a Purpose drop off point for a Van school located almost 1,000 miles away. The comparison between this... Continue reading

Damaris’ Story

Whenever I travel to a country with economic challenges, I wonder how to help the people I see around me. In my search for my 2019 vacation I found a great destination AND I found Pack for a Purpose. Traveling to Galapagos was my dream: a remote place filled with unique flora and fauna. I... Continue reading

Paulette’s Story

When my husband and I retired and began traveling to new destinations each year, I wanted to take items that would be useful to people living in less developed countries. I knew that people with good intentions have donated things that offend other cultures or had no practical use in some circumstances – so I... Continue reading

Scott’s Story

We discovered “Pack for a Purpose” before booking a long-overdue honeymoon in Playa del Carmen, Mexico. We stayed at Sandos Caracol Eco Resort, a participating drop off location that supports communities near the Riviera Maya. There was plenty of room in our luggage to accommodate the school supplies we were taking down with us. We’ll... Continue reading

Denise’s Story

We were heading to Belize and the Hamanasi Adventure & Dive Resort, where we were staying, had information about Pack for a Purpose on their website.  We were only taking carry-on luggage but still managed to spare some room for educational supplies. In addition, when we learned that the local medical community was low on... Continue reading