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Time in Tanzania: Delivering Supplies & Assistance

PfaP was delighted when we were contacted by Jennifer Ruys, the wife of Dr. Vincent DiGregorio, to see how they could Pack for a Purpose during their visit to Zanzibar. Here is the record of their experience and the Big Impact they made along the way: Dr. Vincent DiGregorio, board member of Mission: Restore, visited... Continue reading

Muchas Gracias from Mexico

Belissa of Hacienda Chichen emailed us the following news: I am pleased to inform you that indeed Pack for a Purpose has brought a wonderful social service that our guests contribute to our NGO ventures! This June we got over 70 pounds of goods from various guests, but mainly a dear couple who brought 40... Continue reading

Turkish Delight

Yasemin Uygurmen, Manager of Public Relations at The Ritz-Carlton, Istanbul, related the following: Our generous guests have provided us with 54 kilograms of supplies which were delivered to Mus, Pekcan Primary School. We want to add our Thank You! to the generous guests who stayed at the Ritz-Carlton Istanbul and packed for a purpose. The school supplies they... Continue reading

PfaP Wings Its Way to South Africa Again

Through the generous donation of PfaP travelers, the Wilderness Angels of Wilderness Safaris once again have been able to assist two community-based projects in Johannesburg. The Patterson Party, a group of eight incredibly generous guests, brought six duffel bags, weighing 23 kilograms each, full of warm clothing and school supplies. Michelle Pudu of the Wilderness... Continue reading

PfaP Delivers in Zambia

Since we registered with Pack for a Purpose in May last year, the Flatdogs Camp has enjoyed a steady stream of supplies from all over the world! Most guests bring a few work books or pens and pencils, but some have brought suitcases full of everything from calculators to science books! In total, we’ve received... Continue reading

Viva PfaP!

From David reporting from Playa Viva: Playa Viva guests continue to Pack for a Purpose. Included in every pre-trip planner is a flyer about PfaP that we send to each guest. We have gotten to the point where the school we support is now revising the list of items requested as they have filled their... Continue reading

Divas Deliver in the Amazon

We are a team of 6th grade educators who were granted a fellowship to participate in an eco-tour of the Rio Napo River in Ecuador to give students a unique view of the environment. We encountered Pack for a Purpose on the Yachana Lodge website and knew immediately we could not arrive empty handed. What... Continue reading

PfaP Portraits

See some of the faces behind our all-volunteer organization. They have given generously and freely of their expertise and time. Their work continues to help Pack for a Purpose provide travelers with the information they need to help make a difference in the lives of children around the world. Erik Macenas (Volunteer/Board Member) Erik Macenas received... Continue reading

Q&A From Down Under

From first contact to a successful Pack for a Purpose delivery Marianne Irwin, a traveler from Queensland, Australia, tells us about her PfaP experience in her own words. How did you find the PfaP website? The website was easy to use and well designed and had contact details so I was able to email Rebecca for... Continue reading