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South Africa

Robynn Swan’s Story

My friends had decided to get married in South Africa in August 2013! Prior to my trip, my mother came across Pack for a Purpose in a magazine article. We saw this as a wonderful opportunity to give to those in need. I spread the word to the wedding guests and soon everyone was packing... Continue reading

PfaP Provides Joy in Johannesburg

The Peech is delighted to support the Pack for a Purpose initiative. Over the years more and more of our guests have taken an interest in this initiative, and we have seen a wonderful growth in donations. This reflects what we believe is an increasing interest by travellers to leave something positive behind in the... Continue reading

Alison and Steven Phillips’s Story

When my husband and I were planning our trip to Africa, I came across an article in the Costco Connection about Pack with a Purpose. I immediately informed my husband ,as I thought it was an absolutely great way to give to those in need. I contacted Rebecca Rothney, of Pack with a Purpose, and... Continue reading

From an Email Inquiry to Extraordinary Generosity

The Leading Hotels of The World “Pack for a Purpose” in Cape Town By Rebecca Rothney The process started in March with an email and culminated in November with incredible joy for the children of Cape Town South Africa! Jennifer Oberstein, the Senior Director of Communications at The Leading Hotels of the World (LHW), sent... Continue reading

Sloan Fellows CoMIT to “Improve the World”

On May 20, 2012, 100 mid-career executives from 27 countries around the world — the 2012 class of MIT’s Sloan School of Management Sloan Fellows in Innovation and Global Leadership — arrived at the Kwa Maritane Bush Lodge in Pilanesberg, South Africa. This was the beginning of the capstone trip of our time at MIT:... Continue reading

Karen Gendal’s Story

I was so glad to read about Pack for a Purpose in Oprah Magazine. It was just the solution I was looking for – a way to balance out the luxury of an incredible trip to South Africa, Botswana, and Zambia by giving something back to the special places I would visiting. I brought school... Continue reading