A New Day Dawns for Pack for a Purpose Learn More »


To see the project(s) supported by our participants and their needs list, click on the specific link below for that accommodation or tour company.

Accommodations & Tour Companies

Note: Locations are approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us.

Once you choose a lodging from this page, you will be able to see the exact needs requested by the community project so you can choose to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you bring.

Facts about Ethiopia

Family vacationers and voluntourists alike find themselves drawn to Ethiopia when they begin planning their international vacation. Trips abroad to this African destination leave visitors enveloped in a world that blurs the lines between past and present. Ethiopia is full of vast, fertile lands holding historical sites ranging from ancient tombs and obelisks to looming castles to lost Russian tanks. The dramatic views offer promises of adventure in the tall mountains and the deep depressions. Tourists in Ethiopia are at no loss for excitement. For volunteer vacationers and humanitarians heading to Ethiopia, there are many simple ways to make a difference in the communities while on vacation.

One of the non-profit organizations in need of help and donations in Ethiopia is the Permaculture in Konso Schools Project. This service project works to train and implement Permaculture in Konso schools. For voluntourists interested in responsible tourism and giving back to children, this project accepts charitable donations of school supplies, including pencils, crayons, and more.