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To see the project(s) supported by our participants and their needs list, click on the specific link below for that accommodation or tour company.

Accommodations & Tour Companies

Note: Locations are approximated. If you see a lodging that is misplaced or missing, please contact us.

Once you choose a lodging from this page, you will be able to see the exact needs requested by the community project so you can choose to pack for a purpose and express your gratitude to the local community with the supplies you bring.

Facts about Colombia

Situated in the Northern Andes Mountains, this beautiful South American nation should inspire the inner adventurer in the likes of tourists and international travelers everywhere. Colombia boasts striking cities like its bustling, capital Bogotá and the colonial city Cartagena. The country is known for its coffee production as well as its diverse landscapes, from the mountainous terrain of the Andes to the lush Amazonian rain-forests. Travelers will benefit from Colombia’s bold, South American culture and find it worth their international vacation.

There are many ways to give back to the communities in Colombia. Voluntourism is one of the many and with Pack for a Purpose, you are able to visit this amazing place while volunteering your time and energy in Colombia. Some community projects in Colombia are education-based, and include after-school projects and programs. These projects seek to improve literacy among children in the nation. Travelers interested in responsible tourism can involve themselves in voluntourism in Colombia by giving back to the community by providing school supplies for these varying school and after-school projects and programs. These school supplies include book bags, colored pencils and other writing utensils, world maps and flash cards, and sports equipment such as soccer balls.