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Educating Girls Ensures the Future

When a young girl first starts menstruating, it can be an exciting time, but also a huge problem regarding her education. Without the proper hygiene products, girls around the world can miss up to a week of school every month, setting them further and further back from male students.

Fortunately, for the young women in Mufwe, Zambia, there is a community driven solution. Local women in the community sew Ufulu pads and chitenge washbags, which are then distributed though Project Luangwa to girls in school. This package of five washable pads can provide two years or more of washable hygiene projects and means that girls can continue in school even during their monthly period.

This month, Project Luangwa was able to donate 1,600 pads to over 300 girls. A huge positive for women’s education. As the founder of Pack for a Purpose, I was thrilled to contribute to this effort on our recent trip to Zambia. This donation was made possible by the generosity of my friends.

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