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From Communities

Rediscover the Joy of Travel!

Traveling is no longer just about pleasure and fun. In recent years, a new type of tourism (solidarity and sustainable tourism) has begun to gain prominence. When we look at community needs and choose to address them in order achieve a better world, it generates a positive transformation inside ourselves. The options for solidary and... Continue reading

Pack for a Purpose in Cuba to Support the Local Community

P2P is proud to partner with Pack for a Purpose and happily encourage our clients to help bring aid and assistance whenever possible to benefit the local communities we serve. As specialists in Cuba travel, we’re all too familiar with the needs of lesser developed countries where things are often difficult to find, including common... Continue reading

PfaP Cruisers Contribute to the Caribbean

BlueFoot Travel provides sailing holidays. We operate solely from a sailing yacht, so we have no land base. We are lucky to sail with our guest travellers around the Caribbean visiting stunning islands on the way. Being in the Caribbean is a pleasure, but there are some natural phenomena that can really impact the region... Continue reading

The Cavern in South Africa Raises Up Community for Brighter Tomorrows

The Cavern is a family run resort in the Drakensberg Mountains in South Africa and has always been committed to helping the broader amaZizi community. In the 1980s, it was all about helping put a roof on a church. In the 90s, we were very involved in building one of the first Early Childhood Development... Continue reading

Princess Hotels Guests Embrace PfaP to Assist the Elderly and Young

In these difficult times, the importance of helping each other is evident. Communities are uniting, neighbors are supporting each other, and solidarity is growing. However, we are also aware that there are communities that need more help and more reinforcements than others, and not only now, but always. Princess Hotels in the Dominican Republic has... Continue reading

The Courtleigh’s PfaP Guests Uplift the Jamaican Community

“Be the sun in someone’s dark sky” is a quote that reflects The Courtleigh Hotel and Suites efforts to always try to uplift persons when they need it the most. We believe that the good deed you do today will allow for a greater tomorrow and, as such, we have been a part of the... Continue reading

PfaP Guests Arrive in Argentina with Abundance

At Estancia Los Potreros, we’re incredibly proud to be part of the ‘Pack for a Purpose’ initiative. Supporting our community and responsible tourism is an ever-growing part of our core ethos. More so in the current global situation, we must not forget to help those less fortunate than us and offer as much support as... Continue reading

Giltedge Africa Clients Give Generously Making Their Travel More Meaningful

We are immensely grateful for our partnership with Pack for a Purpose and the opportunities they provide us and our clients to assist those in need. In the last years we’ve seen an increase of interest from travellers in uplifting local communities and Pack for a Purpose has provided them with an easy way to... Continue reading

Overland Travel Guests Pack School Supplies to Make a Big Impact on Kenyan Students

When Bryan and Jade landed carrying their full business class luggage allowance we were overwhelmed with their generosity, as well as their family and their friends’.  Their personal belongings for the safari were about a quarter of their luggage and the rest was stationary, clothes, and even some tablets (IPads, not medication!) for us to... Continue reading