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PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is pleased to welcome a new volunteer intern, Melissa Hoffman. Melissa is a senior at North Carolina State University, majoring in Communication with a concentration in Public and Interpersonal Communication, with a minor in English. She reached out to Pack for a Purpose in hopes of gaining valuable knowledge of the... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose would like to welcome another new intern, Andrew Brown. Andrew discovered Pack for a Purpose through N.C. State’s English internship program, and decided to intern with us after coming to understand Pack for a Purpose’s desire to impact communities around the world in a particularly generous, positive, and proactive way. In... Continue reading

Supplies Support School in India

Ibex Expeditions’ guests who “pack for a purpose” have already made their mark around India. Our latest Pack for a Purpose guests brought 14 kilos of much needed and appreciated supplies, which I delivered to the school in the village of Ramathra. It was a Saturday and the schools were closed so that the children... Continue reading

Voluminous Volunteer Hours

Pack for a Purpose is sustained by the energy and generosity of our volunteers who keep the website up and running, keep track of the statistics, and continue outreach to lodgings and tour companies around the world. Our volunteers range in age from their twenties to their seventies, both in Raleigh and remotely in other... Continue reading

Caring in Cape Town

The Cape Cadogan Boutique Hotel & More Quarters Apartment Hotel proudly joined Pack for a Purpose in February of this year. Since joining, we have received amazing donations of supplies, toys, clothes, and much MORE for the children at the Injongo Creche. Our first donation was given by Jessica and Laura from Minnesota who were... Continue reading

PfaP Portrait

Pack for a Purpose is deligthed to welcome our newest intern, DeErricka Green. DeErricka is a senior graduating from North Carolina State University in May. She is an English student with a concentration in Creative Writing, double minoring in Tecnhnical Scientific Communication and Africana Studies. She hopes to attend law school in the fall of 2014.... Continue reading

Bounty for Bushtops

Mara Bushtops Camp has been very pleased that many of their guests choose to be Pack for a Purpose travelers. These guests have looked at their project needs list on the Pack for a Purpose website and took supplies, which benefit the local communities where they operate! Thoughtful PfaP guests staying at Mara Bushtops in... Continue reading

PfaP Travelers, Smiling Students

Adjacent to Tsavo West National Park in Kenya is the Lumo Community Wildlife Sanctuary, an area donated by locals where wild animals roam without disturbing crops and cattle in the villages. For many families, education is a luxury, so every item of stationery, uniforms, etc helps. In September, Fred and Angelique included a visit to... Continue reading

Chuini Clinic Collects from PfaP Travelers

The Mangrove Lodge located on the island of Zanzibar in Tanzania is thrilled with the generous response they have had from guests who have Packed for a Purpose! In the month of August alone, they received over 85 kilos of medical and other requested supplies from their needs list. Their generous guests have made a... Continue reading

PfaP Gets to the Core of Things in the Big Apple

Rebecca Rothney, the Founder of Pack for a Purpose, was invited to co-moderate a panel at the Conference Travel + Social Good which was held in New York City in September. Her husband Scott who serves on the Board also attended and participated. The Conference which included NGO’s and media from around the world proved... Continue reading