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Pack for a Purpose featured on CBS This Morning

Pack for a Purpose is thrilled with the wonderful comments made by Peter Greenberg today on the CBS This Morning show. All of you who have packed for a purpose during the past two and one half years know, as Peter Greenberg said, we are A great resource. PfaP travelers can confirm Peter’s comments about... Continue reading

PfaP People

If it takes a village to raise a child, it definitely takes a team to sustain Pack for a Purpose. We would like to introduce our intern for this current semester, Melissa Mikell, who is publishing our newsletter and has been responsible for updating our website, keeping our Facebook fabulous, inviting new lodgings to join... Continue reading

Wedding Wonderful!

In 2012, we had our first reported PfaP bride and groom! We want to congratulate this thoughtful couple on their creativity in managing to Pack for a Purpose before their honeymoon without our wonderful tips! For your wedding, you can choose to be PfaP honeymooners! Joy is a contagion worth spreading! Sharing the wonder of... Continue reading

Liz Goes to Laos

Here’s Liz Meredith’s Story in her own words: Visiting the country of Laos had been a dream of mine for the past few years. It’s a long trip for a single mother from Alaska to make, but I had the feeling that it would be a life-changing experience. Rich with a diversity of cultures, history,... Continue reading

Bounty in Belize

Karen Goldsmith shared her family story with us: Before heading to Belize for a week-long adventure, we noticed that our second hotel partnered with Pack for a Purpose, and we just had to participate! My parents, husband, 11 year-old son, and I each packed two suitcases with a total of 55 lbs of supplies for... Continue reading

Time in Tanzania: Delivering Supplies & Assistance

PfaP was delighted when we were contacted by Jennifer Ruys, the wife of Dr. Vincent DiGregorio, to see how they could Pack for a Purpose during their visit to Zanzibar. Here is the record of their experience and the Big Impact they made along the way: Dr. Vincent DiGregorio, board member of Mission: Restore, visited... Continue reading

Warm Welcome

Pack for a Purpose is grateful to all our partners which help us promote Pack for a Purpose in different ways around the world. We are thrilled to announce and welcome our newest partner Luxury Link Travel Group. Founded in 1997, Luxury Link Travel Group hosts the largest selection of hand-picked luxury hotels, resorts, cruises... Continue reading

Thank You from Tanzania

Dr. Nick Campian forwarded these thanks to us: Health Improvement Project Zanzibar works in partnership with the government of Zanzibar to help improve the level of healthcare on the island. HIPZ has helped with the renovation and improvement of facilities, provided equipment and staff training and has volunteer doctors working on the island. On behalf... Continue reading

Julia’s South African Sojourn

Packing a carry-on bag for a whirlwind 3-week trip through South Africa including safari, business meetings, and family time takes time to perfect. I pack safari khakis and high heels all in one bag and leave my second carry-on ready to stuff with soccer balls and Frisbees to give out along the way. At African... Continue reading

Hello World! : Our Very First Post for a Purpose

Pack for a Purpose, or PfaP as we tend to refer to ourselves, is thrilled to announce the start of its blog! We intend to use Blog for a Purpose as a way to inform you of all of the relevant, hot off the press PfaP items. In addition there will be as in-depth information... Continue reading