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From Raleigh to Zambia, Gratitude Takes Flight

  Wilderness Safaris states “we believe in creating life-changing journeys” and they certainly changed ours! From the beginning Wilderness Safaris has believed in our mission .The belief of such a high profile and well respected company added much  recognition for Pack for a Purpose when we were an unknow entity. We are forever grateful. My... Continue reading

Gracious Guests Making a Difference in Guanaja, Honduras

This past year has been a challenging one worldwide. It was particularly difficult for the people living on the small island of Bonacca, Guanaja, where an October 2021 fire destroyed over 200 homes and businesses and damaged 120 more. More than 400 people, including many of the Cabanas on Clark’s Cay and Villa on Dunbar... Continue reading

Tourists’ Generosity Post-Covid breaks all records in Cristo Rey, Belize!

    Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. ~ Helen Keller Together our guests’ donations make a substantial impact on some of the needs in our village and surrounding area. Lucky Dreamer Lodge is a modest 2-bungalow, family-run property located in the foothills of the Mountain Pine Ridge in... Continue reading

Jane’s Story

Hello big time fan, often traveler with supplies.  I work for Delta Airlines, and since we get those fantastic travel benefits, I recently did a bulletin board featuring Pack For A Purpose. Since we all travel I am trying to get my fellow employees to go on PFAP.org and start the process.  I’ve also started... Continue reading

Making a Difference in Maun with Mummy’s Angels 

Through Pack for a Purpose, intrepid guests that visit the Okavango Delta, Central Kalahari and remote Kwando Private Reserve can make a measurable impact in the Botswana communities that live closest to the wilderness. Kwando Safaris is the lead sponsor of the grassroots initiative Mummy’s Angels, and the organisation has gone from strength to strength... Continue reading

Brenda’s Story

This was my first time Packing for a Purpose.  We were traveling to Sandals South Coast and the Reading Trip was not available during our trip, so I decided the next best thing was to pack supplies.  I am a mother, grandmother, and former teacher. Purchasing the supplies was easy. It took an additional suitcase... Continue reading

Two Couples Make the Khanyisela Project in the Northern Drakensberg their Pack for a Purpose Mission

The Khanyisela project includes three critical thrusts; a wonderful little Foundation Phase school, Royal Drakensberg Primary School, catering for children from the age of 4 to 10 years, support to 18 Early Childhood Development Centres and BabyBoost, embracing little ones and their carers in their first 1000 days. The community is in a rural area... Continue reading

One Love Foundation’s Story

As animal advocates, we are always looking for ways to “maximize our impact”.  Through that thought process, we realized that maximizing our impact was an opportunity to actively support other charities during our travels, without expecting anything in return. Our research led us to Pack for a Purpose.  We feel it’s crucial to provide support... Continue reading

Zohaib’s Story

Hi, I am Zohaib, I am 9 years old, and I traveled to Jamaica in February 2022. Two of my favorite things to do is to travel and to help other people and I thought pack for a purpose was the perfect opportunity for me to do both. On my trip to Jamaica, I was... Continue reading